Grimshaw - Rio

Before launching Studio SJ in 2018, founder S. Jazmine Fugate worked for over a decade at the offices of other architects. While at Grimshaw from 2012-2015, she focused on higher education buildings and collaborated on occasion with Grimshaw Industrial Design.

Grimshaw Architects designed this pavilion for the Qatari Food Security Program exhibits at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. The form was meant to subtly evoke the wingspan of a falcon, while creating a flexible floor plan below. Fugate developed the form and structural design, including connection detail design intent, in Rhino in collaboration with Grimshaw Industrial Design. The project was then handed off to local structural and ETFE fabricators and events coordinators to meet the tight timeline.

Construction cost: undisclosed; Area: 5000SF; Status: construction complete 2012; Photography by Sherolin Santos

Fabricator’s Drawing of Canopy


Duke Brodhead Center (Grimshaw)


Guilford Sound (RPSA)