Grimshaw - Duke Brodhead Center

Before launching Studio SJ in 2018, founder S. Jazmine Fugate worked for over a decade at the offices of other architects. While at Grimshaw from 2012-2015, she focused on higher education buildings and collaborated on occasion with Grimshaw Industrial Design.

Grimshaw Architects designed the Brodhead Center for Duke University’s growing West Campus. The facility features diverse dining venues and student life spaces of many scales. Fugate led the design of the “interior street” which blends new and old and was instrumental in defining the ambitions of the student life spaces, in collaboration with Duke’s stakeholders and the student body. She was involved with the project from pre-design and programming through construction documents.

Construction cost: $120M; Area: 130,000 SF; Status: construction completed 2016.



Design Within Reach Edina (DFormA)


Rio Qatar Pavilion (Grimshaw)